Oumar Sow
Global GCAP (Africa)
Oumar SOW is a lawyer by forma1on and a committed Senegalese civil society activist on sustainable development ques1ons, particularly in monitoring the implementation of the sustainable development objec1ves (SDOs). Oumar SOW has been coordinator of GCAP-Senegal for the past ten years, and at the same time represents Africa on GCAP’s world council, of which he is one of the three presidents. He is an experienced strategist and consultant with more than 15 years’ experience in public policy advocacy to reverse the trend in favor of vulnerable people left behind. Oumar also coordinates the platform of civil society organisa1ons for the monitoring of the SDGs in Senegal, and advises and supports numerous organisa1ons in strategic planning, alignment and integration of the sustainable development objec1ves (SDGs) in projects and programs, and in the drafting of country reports for the High-Level Poli1cal Forum (HLPF). His expertise lies in exploiting data to iden1fy opportunities, ra1onalise opera1ons and achieve sustainable results.