Mariagrazia Midulla
Working Group Coordinato
GCAP Italy/WWF Italy
Mariagrazia Midulla, WWF Italy’s Climate and Energy Manager. Committed to social, health and environmental issues from a very young age, she worked in communications at a professional level. She then became WWF International Campaigns Manager, in particular on Climate Change and Toxic Chemicals, and later focused on as Climate and Energy Manager, also in WWF Italy. She also works in the WWF international team, with which since 2001 she has been following the international negotiations of the UNFCCC, the G7 and G20 negotiations, and the conferences on Environment and Development (Rio+). She has also been active on European policies for decades. Among other things, she led the WWF’s ‘Stop Coal, Yes to the Future’ campaign, in collaboration with other associations and local citizens’ groups. She has led and/or animated numerous discussion tables for the energy and ecological transition with economic, social and environmental stakeholders.